A Coffee With…Leanne Pollard
A Coffee With…Leanne Pollard
Job title: Solicitor and Head of Family Law
Which person has inspired you the most in your life, and why? My Grandma. She is the most kind, thoughtful, and fun person and everyone who meets her loves her.
What is your proudest career achievement to date? Setting up a new family team at Holden Smith. We were apprehensive about how quickly it would take off, but it has far exceeded our expectations, and in less than a year, we have a very busy department!
What time of day do you like to drink your coffee (or tea)? I only drink tea. I have a cup of tea first thing in the morning, every evening after dinner, and then usually a couple through the day too in the office tea rounds.
What’s your favourite snack to have with your coffee or tea? Probably a chocolate Hobnob, or chocolate digestive!
Milk and sugar? Milk only, no sugar.
Which famous person would you most like to have a coffee with, and why? It would be a comedian, someone like Ricky Gervais who could make you laugh and you could have an interesting and deep conversation with.
How do you relax away from work? Through the week watch a crime documentary or a reality TV show, and on a weekend a couple of glasses of wine with friends or family.