A Coffee with… David Bancroft
David Bancroft, co-founder and director at Holden Smith
Which person has inspired you the most in your life, and why? My Dad. From an early age, he set a great example of working hard and when he isn’t working, he is helping people. I hope that my children understand the need to work hard every day no matter what you do.
What is your proudest career achievement to date? Definitely setting up a Law Firm with James Smith. It was a calculated risk with plenty of long days and nights, but well worth it.
What time of day do you like to drink your coffee (or tea)? I cannot really operate without coffee in the morning and I like a nice cup of tea in bed on a night.
What’s your favourite snack to have with your coffee or tea? I used to love to dip a Kit Kat chunky in my cuppa but then I realised that all my teeth would fall out and I would be even heavier, so nowadays I have the occasional digestive.
Milk and sugar? A small bit of full-fat milk, no sugar.
Which famous person would you most like to have a coffee with, and why? Can I choose two? Napoleon Bonaparte and Winston Churchill. Both were amazing leaders that changed the world.
How do you relax away from work? Either a run or a pint of Guinness… it depends on how stressful my day is!