A Coffee With…Julie Makin
Julie Makin, operations manager at Holden Smith
Which person has inspired you the most in your life, and why?
Definitely my Grandad, he always encouraged me to work hard and follow my dreams. He taught me that failing first time at something just acts as a learning curve, and to try again.
What is your proudest career achievement to date?
I think that would be the long lasting relationships I have with my clients. I have worked with some of them for well over 15 years, and think the fact they continue to work with me indicates their faith and trust in me.
What time of day do you like to drink your coffee (or tea)?
It has to be tea, and first thing in the morning. I set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier than I need to so that I can have a cup of tea in peace in bed! It sets me up for the day.
What’s your favourite snack to have with your coffee or tea?
That would have to be a Jammy Dodger; mid-morning though, not first thing!
Milk and sugar?
Milk and half a sugar
Which famous person would you most like to have a coffee with, and why?
It would have to be Ross Kemp, I love his documentaries and find the journalism pieces he has done fascinating. I’m sure he would have plenty of stories to tell!
How do you relax away from work?
I like nothing better than losing myself in a good book, reading helps me unwind. I also love cooking and that completely relaxes me as I focus on nothing but what I am meant to be whipping up.